Social Media Management Details The JNOW team is excited to begin managing your social media presence. In order to create the best content possible, please provide the following information. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company Name *Facebook PageFacebook page address, if applicableContact Name *FirstLastThis person is the point of contact, and ideally, an admin on the existing FB pageEmail *Website / URL *Company Description *Who they are, what they do and where they do it.Brand RelationshipsAre there any regional or national brands with which this company is affiliated? (Trane, John Deere, Chevrolet, SCAG, etc.) If so, please list them.Desired Content *What are they hoping to see on their page? Informative posts? Examples of prior work (we'll need art) or anything they've seen elsewhere that they like (be specific).Special EventsAre there any anniversaries (10 years in business), seasonal sales (Back-to-School specials, etc.) or other promotions that occur regularly?Perfect Customers *Who is the client trying to reach? People who own homes? People with small children? Describe the target audience for these social posts.Foundational Topics *Please provide 8-10 potential topics for a social media campaign. Could be product endorsement, sharing reviews, informational posts (How to Reduce Your Energy Bill, etc.). Creating content is tough, so be specific.Submit